Sunday, December 21, 2008

CYZS-CYRT-CYYQ - Coral Bay - Rankin Inlet - Churchill

It's the last day for me in Canada as our airlift mission is coming to an end. Early in the morning we loade up the Herc and departed towards Rankin Inlet, an intermediary stop before the last flight to Churchil.
Our Cargo this morning are a couple of generator that need repaired at Churchill and some mail and suplies for Rankin.
As we are climbing we see the sky which starts to light up as the sun is rising. We can still see the moon. After unloading at Rankin and picking up the new cargo we started the last leg to Churchill, the initial point of departure in this wonderfull adventure.
Churchill had som high altitude clouds and snow, the perfect recipe for a nice winter approach. Due to the wind I chose the ILS 33 approach. As I was heading to intercept the localizer cakcourse another Herc was backtracking the runway. I made a hold over a ndb to give him time to departure.
The approach went smoothly and ended with a nice touchdown, finnishing perfectly what has been an interesting experience. I have to admit Hercules is a nice aircraft to fly.

Now it's time to be a passenger again and board the flight back home.